Night of the spiritual
Songs in Lüneburg
Singing opens Silence makes you mindful Community connects
Singing opens Silence makes you mindful Community connects
The song night on February 26th canceled due to corona!
The next appointment is on November 5th, 2021
If you would like to be regularly informed about the next dates, sign up for our mailing list using the following button:
That was the 21st Lüneburg Night of Spiritual Songs:
We had a wonderful evening with about 40 singers. Especially the magical voice and charisma of Imke Marit-Axmann enchanted the evening for all of us.
Spiritual songs from all over the world and
Sing mantric songs together
in the bell house, Lüneburg
Fri. Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m.
with Joachim Goerke & Imke Marit Axmann
Admission is free - donations are welcome.
Everyone is welcome to sing along!
The "night of spiritual songs" is a
Meet to share songs of the
To sing with the heart from the diversity of different traditions:
Meditative mantras, Indian songs, Sufi songs, rousing gospels and many of
Joachim Goerke composed songs of the heart himself. All of these songs are essentially about the same thing:
the unity of all people, love and compassion for all beings, - respect and joie de vivre.
On this evening the healing power of singing together can be experienced.